I’ve been continuing my journey to deepen my understanding of Active Directory and Active Directory B2C and establish best practices and a reference architecture for creating automated integration tests for a Web API protected by either Azure Active Directory or Azure Active Directory B2C.

I wanted to write about an issue that I encountered when attempting to obtain a bearer token by directly hitting Azure Active Directory’s OAuth2 Token Endpoint to attach onto requests made to a WebAPI.

While monitoring the traffic in Fiddler I discovered that I was receiving 400 bad request responses and inside the response body I discovered the error code: “AADSTS65001: The user or administrator has not consented to use the application with ID and Name . Send an interactive authorization request for this user and resource".

I was at a loss, what could this possibly mean? It turns out the solution was a simple action that needed to be taken from the portal.

Before, I get to that, let me share the structure of the Trust Relationship I created within Azure Active Directory.

I have a Web API / Web App called “WebApplicationB2C” that is where I have the WebAPI that I would like to hit from my unit test project.

I have a Native App called “IntegrationTest” that is what I am going to use to obtain the bearer token within my unit test project.

My application registrations for this setup look like this:


You can see that I’ve established “Required Permissions” of the “IntegrationTest” to have access to the “WebApplicationB2C” application:


In my unit test project I attempt to make the following OAuth2 call:

The exact response I got back when observing the response from Azure Active Directory in Fiddler was this:

{"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"AADSTS65001: The user or administrator has not consented to use the application with ID 'deb4b552-5a71-4e10-b611-23777b1c5140' named 'WebApplicationB2C'. Send an interactive authorization request for this user and resource.rnTrace ID: 13bb79c1-58b0-45c5-b663-7385ff1a0100rnCorrelation ID: fea7ce95-41e4-4aa8-af11-90e5529aca48rnTimestamp: 2017-11-11 02:13:11Z","error_codes":[65001],"timestamp":"2017-11-11 02:13:11Z","trace_id":"13bb79c1-58b0-45c5-b663-7385ff1a0100","correlation_id":"fea7ce95-41e4-4aa8-af11-90e5529aca48"}

The Azure Active Directory error follows this template:

“AADSTS65001: The user or administrator has not consented to use the application with ID '<GUID>' named '<AppName>'. Send an interactive authorization request for this user and resource”

I simply went back to “IntegrationTest” app and clicked the “Grant Permissions” button. This effectively authorized the application by me, the Administrator.